Lifestyle as Medicine Programme (LAMP)

Our Lifestyle as Medicine Programme, LAMP, is about understanding the relationships between sleep, physical activity, nutrition, stress management, connection (to others, to self and to environment) and minimising harmful influences, the science behind how they impact our health and how we can use them to improve our mental wellbeing.

For each of the six topics, we will guide you through SPARKS: Starting point – how do you feel about this topic initially? Proof – what does the scientific evidence tell us about how this concept supports our health? Actionable ideas – what ideas help others and what can you try? Relate – how does this pillar relate to the others and can we use those relationships to support change? Knowledge – what insights can inspire our own behaviour change goals? Self-reflection – what supports us as an individual?

Sleep Better

Learn more about the science of sleep and what a powerful impact it has on our physical and mental health.

Find out more by clicking here.

Move More

Movement isn’t just good for our physical health, it has an extraordinary role in our mental health too.

Find out more by clicking here.

Eat Well

What do we understand about how our gut health links to our brains and our mood?

Find out more by clicking here.

Reduce Stress

There are lots of things we can do that might reduce our stress levels – have you found what best helps you?

Find out more by clicking here.

Deepen Connection

Did you know connection is repeatedly shown to be a key protective factor for many mental health challenges? And it’s not just social connection either – the power of connection runs so much deeper!

Find out more by clicking here.

Minimise Harm

We all have things in our lives that aren’t so good for us. How can we minimise those? What impact does it have on our mental wellbeing?

Find out more by clicking here.

LAMP Library

Library Highlights

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