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Getting Outside
Getting Outside – Blog Post #1
Published on Wednesday 20th December 2023 by Charity Green
Getting outside, even when it’s cold or the weather isn’t great, is an important part of looking after your physical and mental wellbeing. Even if you don’t want to go for a walk or run, if all you do is feed the ducks or sit on a bench, fresh air and being outdoors will make a big difference to how you feel – especially in the winter months. All six of the How Are You Cambridgeshire & Peterborough websites (one for each district) have an Activities category called Outdoor Spaces where you can find ideas of places and activities that will get you outside. Take a look by clicking on this link.

As well as places you can go or activities you can do on your own, there are lots of ways to connect with others whilst getting outside. Health professionals call it ‘green social prescribing’ and it can include things like group wellbeing walks, community gardening projects, conservation volunteering, green gyms, open water swimming or sports, arts or cultural events which take place outdoors. Even if you aren’t tempted to take part in these things right now, you could explore some options for when the spring comes and the days get lighter and warmer.
We understand that sometimes it’s helpful to know what to expect if you are going somewhere new or trying something new – we’ve all put off doing things that we know will do us good for this reason! To help overcome this, and to show you what to expect, we often include videos on our webpages as well as lots of clear information. Take a look at H.A.Y. team members, Jack and Ollie visiting Itter Park in Peterborough – which has a bowling green, children’s play area, tennis courts and a coffee kiosk (important to have a hot drink when it’s cold!).
Or if visiting a nature reserve for a stroll is more your thing, you can watch Charity visiting RSPB Fen Drayton Lakes with her dog Max.