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Understanding Mental Health in Mirpuri language
Through a series of videos and teaching sessions, this psycho-education campaign for the Pakistani / Asian community, developed and delivered by qualified mental health nurse, Nazreen Bibi, aims to raise understanding of mental health conditions and support in Mirpuri language.
1 in 4 of us will experience mental illness at some point in our lives and in many communities this is a well-known and understood statistic. However in some ethnic minority groups, mental illness is simply defined as ‘madness’ and therefore how information is shared must be tailored to these communities. This project has allowed the development of online resources specifically designed to meet the needs of the Mirpuri community living in Peterborough.
Understanding Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) or Borderline Personality Disorder for the Mirpuri Community
If you need urgent help for yourself or someone you are caring for, please call 111 and press option 2 for the First Response Service, a 24-hour service for people in a mental health crisis.

Autism in the Mirpuri Community
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder, defined by needs or differences in three areas:
- Communication: Autism is a spectrum disorder whereby some autistic people can articulate themselves verbally whilst others remain nonverbal.
- Social interaction: Some autistic people may be socially aloof, whereas some autistic people have insight and seek friendships and social engagement but find social norm’s difficult to process or fully interpret. Whilst others appear to be happy in their own world and find little in seeking or establishing social relationships.
- Repetitive and restrictive behaviours: This can range from repetitive thoughts and narrow interests to repetitive behaviours which restrict engagement in other activities and limit the opportunities to engage in other activities. The need for daily routine and sameness feeds into repetitive and restrictive behaviours, thinking and routines.
In the Mirpuri community, there is no word to describe the above features, leading to these often being seen as mental illness or madness. This video aims to explain the features of Autism Spectrum Disorder and to differentiate autism spectrum disorder from mental illness.